At Impact Care we believe that care is about building strong relationships with people, wining their trust and encouraging them to manage and move forward.
Every Care package we provide is tailored to meet the individual care needs of people we support. We believe that care is about supporting and caring for people in a way that helps them to still be in control of their life and to be able to make their own informed choices.
To do this we aim to build strong relationships with the people we support and their families, by winning their trust and encouraging the people we support. We are focused on improving the independence of the people that choose our services so that they are able to get the most out of their life.
We provide Care services to a wide range of people. We have been commissioned by individuals and families to care for their loved ones, this can be through a combination of funding streams, from privately funded to fully funded by Social Services and the NHS for both Continuing Heath Care and End of life care.
As a provider of care services, we are routinely inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to ensure that our Service Users and their families are receiving the support from us that they need and deserve.
We are focused on improving the independence of our clients so that they are able to get the most out of their life.
It is with this ethos in mind that we have seven key aims and objectives:
To provide and maintain high quality evidenced based care, delivered professionally, that complies with and wherever possible exceeds current legislation, national minimum standards and good practice guides.
To provide care services based upon individually assessed needs by appropriately trained staff, which are committed to valuing and supporting individuals and take pride in their work.
To provide high quality responsive care services to enable the individual to retain independence and choice, with support and reassurance in order to remain at home for as long as they wish.
To ensure the individual and/or their representative are regularly consulted about the care service we provide, and preserve the individual's self-respect and dignity through high quality care.
To cater for the individual's cultural, religious and ethnic needs.
To maximize the individuals potential by working with all health professionals and social services to plan and deliver the care services.
To ensure that the needs of the individual is paramount with regard to any decisions or activities affecting their care